Using Index Search

Index Search allows detailed and high-performance searches of the items ingested into an FEI project—including attachment contents. In order to use Index Search, the Create Searchable Index option should be enabled prior to ingestion.

The Index Metadata Only and Index Parents Only options are deselected by default and control whether the indexing should be limited to item metadata only (as opposed to entire item contents) and to parent items only (as opposed to parents and their children), respectively.

The Normalize Accented Characters option controls whether or not the search index is sensitive to accented characters. For example, when the option is turned off, finding the string résumé requires searching for the string résumé. When the option is turned on, searching for resume would also find occurrences of the string résumé.

Within an FEI project with a searchable index, the Index Search interface can be launched by clicking the respective toolbar icon or using the CTRL + S keyboard shortcut.

Index Search History

Previously-executed Index Search entries can be accessed as in the screenshot below. Clicking on a historical search entry causes that search to be re-executed.

Search within Search

The Within last query search option causes a new search to be intersected with the last search—in essence, causing the new search to be run within the last search.

Index Search Syntax


In order to treat a term as a phrase, enclose it in double quotes. Example:

"contract dispute"

Field Searches

You can restrict your query to a specific field by typing the field name followed by a colon. Otherwise, the search will be performed on the contents field. All field names should be typed in lowercase. Example:


The following fields are supported:

Field Description
from The sender of the email.
to The recipient(s) of the email.
cc The carbon copy recipients of the email.
bcc The blind carbon copy recipients of the email.
subject Email subject.
attachmentnames Names of the attachments of the email.
messageid Message-ID of the email as defined in RFC 5322.
mimeboundary The MIME boundary of an email.
headers MIME headers of the email.
contents A combination of the extracted text and metadata of the email. If the option to include attachments in the inline search was selected, this field also covers the text and metadata extracted from the attachments of the email. This is the default field that is searched when no field is specified.
earliestdate The earliest timestamp identified within the email. If the option to include attachments in the inline search was selected, timestamps encountered in the attachments of the email are also taken into account.
latestdate The latest timestamp identified within the email. If the option to include attachments in the inline search was selected, timestamps encountered in the attachments of the email are also taken into account.
received The received date of the email if it has trace headers.
sent The origination date of the email.
startdate The start date of a calendar event.
enddate The end date of a calendar event.
creationdate Internal creation data metadata.
modificationdate Internal last modification date metadata.
fscreationdate Internal date or creation date server metadata where applicable.
fsmodificationdate Modification date server metadata where applicable.
filename The file name file system metadata for an item.
filepath The file path file system metadata for an item.
xoriginatingip The X-Originating-IP MIME header.
xmailer The X-Mailer MIME header.

Date Searches

Date searches are performed as follows:

sent:[2021/01/20 TO 2022/03/14]

The above query would search for emails whose origination date is between January 20, 2021 and March 14, 2022.

When higher precision is desired, timestamps can be provided in full including the time component in 24-hour format. In this form, the timestamps should be enclosed in double-quotes. Timestamps are specified in UTC.


sent:["2021/01/20 13:51:05" TO "2022/03/14 14:45:13"]

Boolean Operators

The AND, OR, and NOT Boolean operators are supported. When no Boolean operator is specified between terms, the AND operator is used. Boolean operators must be in all caps.

Negative Searches

If you have both positive and negative terms, you can compose your search using the <positive terms> NOT <negative terms> structure. For example:

subject:documents NOT subject:business

If you do not have any positive terms (i.e., your entire search is a negative search), then you can compose your search as follows:

*:* NOT subject:business

Regular Expression Searches

When performing regular expression searches, the regex pattern should be enclosed between forward-slash ("/") characters. Example:

/m[ae]ssage/ would find documents containing massage or message .

Wildcard Searches

The * wildcard serves as a multiple-character wildcard while the ? character serves as a single-character wildcard. Example:

pro?e would match prove and probe

exam* would match exam , examine , and example

Proximity Searches

Proximity searches can be performed using the ~n syntax. Example:

"contract dispute"~5 would search for instances where contract and dispute are within 5 words of each other.

Fuzzy Searches

Fuzzy searches match terms based on the Damerau-Levenshtein distance. In order to perform a fuzzy search, use the ~ symbol at the end of a single-word term. The default allowed distance is 2.


position~ would match positionpositive , and potion as all three terms are 2 Edit Distances (default) apart.

If you would like to specify the maximum allowed Damerau-Levenshtein distance, enter it following the ~ . For example:

position~1 would not match positive  or potion , but it would match positron


Subqueries can be grouped using parentheses. Example:

(dispute OR conflict) AND contract

Grouping can also be performed within a field. Example:

subject:(vehicle AND theft) would search for documents where both vehicle and theft are present in the subject field.

Example Searches

"contract dispute" OR "intellectual property" OR inspect* searches for two phrases and a wildcard term in the default (contents) field.

subject:mike attorney searches for documents whose subject contains mike and the default field (contents) contains attorney . Because a Boolean operator is not specified, the AND is implied.

headers:/74\.([0-9]{1,3})\.([0-9]{1,3})\.([0-9]{1,3})/ AND "intellectual property"~2 searches for emails with IP addresses in their MIME headers that start with 74., and contain intellectual and property within two words of each other.

messageid:"" searches for emails with a specific Message-ID.

xoriginatingip:* searches for items with a value in their X-Originating-IP headers.

Supported Attachment Types

The following types of attachments are currently supported:

eml, msg, xls, xlsx, pdf, pptx, doc, rtf, docx, zip, tar, xz, lzma, gz, bz2, rar, 7z, deb, ar, a, lib, iso, vhdx, vhd, wim, swm, esd, vmdk, text-based files (e.g., txt, log, csv, tsv, etc.), HTML, XML, ics, vcf

Are Documents OCRed?

FEI does not perform optical character recognition (OCR) on email attachments that are missing extractable text.

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