Command Line Support

FEI supports the following command line arguments:

Load an Existing Project

In order to load an existing FEI project from the command line, pass the project path as a command line argument as follows:

FEI.exe "<project path>.FEIProj"

Alternatively, you can pass the /OpenProject command line argument. This will cause FEI to open a dialog to browse for the .FEIProj file.

Create a New Project

In order to create a new project, pass the /NewProject command line argument as follows. This will cause FEI to open the project creation window.

FEI.exe /NewProject

Open FEI Viewer

In order to load an email into FEI Viewer, pass the full path to the message as a command line argument. For example:

FEI.exe "R:\SampleEmail.msg"

If you would like to open an empty FEI Viewer window, pass the /Viewer command line argument as follows:

FEI.exe /Viewer

You can use the above switch to create a shortcut that opens FEI Viewer directly rather than FEI's startup screen.

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